Class And Ethnic Differences – Class And Race In Weddings


After looking at the implications of Nationality and Partner’s Age Difference, the author then delves into the practical effects that the act can have on your marriage. It turns out that being half white or Hispanic can have a significant effect on what you get paid in the workplace, how often you get kicked out of workplaces, and even how much respect you get from co-workers and superiors. The author then looks at some of the practical steps that you can take to adjust the results of the Nationality and Partner’s Age Difference Act, as well as providing information on what you can do about your own personal situation to ensure that you are able to maintain and build successful, long-lasting relationships. The book then spends a lot of time looking at some of the possible implications of living with a racial or ethnic identity in light of these problems and what you can do to overcome them.

The most important thing that I think the reader should take away from this text is the author’s clear voice and her knack for putting things down in simple terms. While the topic of race and gender do tend to get a bit side-tracked at times when discussing marriage, the author takes a firm and optimistic stance on the matter at almost every turn. Race and ethnicity do indeed play a huge role in marriage, and Lisa Potter-Dixon does a great job of guiding us through what those differences can mean to each person, and what we can do to work with those differences. It’s just that sometimes we need someone else to tell us exactly what to do. This book is an excellent guide.
