Height and Nationality


The first time I ever came across Lisa Tebeneva, I didn’t know what to expect from her. She was described as a tall, voluptuous woman with large breasts, who had been married to an interesting Russian for the previous ten years. Although this is correct, and she certainly has large breasts, what I found most interesting was the fact that Lisa seemed to have no idea how to maintain her own personal identity or sense of self in a situation where everything about her seemed to change. At first I thought that I would like to remain anonymous when talking to her; however, after observing how confident she was about her appearance and talking about her achievements as a professional and as an athlete, I decided it was worth risking the chance to talk to her, just to see what her perspective on living a new and exciting life was like.

I had no idea what kind of response I would get; but in the end, I found myself relating to Lisa more than ever before. She was articulate and funny, enthusiastic and at ease in the new surroundings. It was obvious that this was not a woman seeking a relationship; she clearly had one in mind. I appreciated the fact that she was happy to share this view of herself, and that I was able to respond in a similar way.

As a woman, if you are not tall and slim, then you will have a tendency to hide behind your nationality, your looks, and sometimes your looks alone to avoid dealing with issues that come up. Lisa Tebeneva never hid her nationality and refused to play the race card. Instead, she made the decision to be honest, supportive, and real, even if it meant that other people did not fully understand her desire to be open and honest with her partner about her personal circumstances. After all, honesty is the best policy, and if you can do it in your personal relationships, then there is no reason why you cannot do it in a business relationship, a friendship, or a new relationship.
