New Trend For Men and Women


New Trend For Men and Women

During the week I went to a friend’s party that happened to have a scarf headband and scarf down food that was plated and it looked very elegant and beautiful. We were all enjoying the great food and when I told her that the food came in a scarf and she said that is not what she thinks of her cooking. I asked her how she felt about using scarf down food as her main course then since she does not cook I thought it might be something we could both try.

When we arrived at her house and her parents had just come home from work and she took off her scarf headband and I matched her scarf and used my own scarf headband to put the food on. It actually looked good! We both couldn’t believe it and looked at each other with these embarrassed looks on our faces. My mother then said that it is a tradition in her family to use scarf down for their meals and since she didn’t know any better she just followed them like they do.

Of course after this I asked her what she would recommend I get for a gift as well. She said that she would just get me a new scarf headband because that was all she had so I was happy. I am so excited to try this great new trend that everyone is doing. I love the idea that the scarf can be used to add or remove weight as well as make you a fashion statement!
