Basketball Fashion Trends


Basketball Fashion Trends

Basketball fashion trends continue to change as more talented young athletes enter the professional ranks. These athletes come from different sports and backgrounds and all have developed their own individual styles that are making their signature style known. However, one thing that has remained consistent is that these athletes have adopted a similar look that they have chosen for themselves. The focus on individual style has resulted in the creation of countless different styles.

One of the most noticeable basketball fashion trends is the short shorts. This style is typically associated with streetball, but it has also become popular among players who prefer to play at the college level. Short shorts are especially effective at providing comfort and functionality while still allowing the player to display their unique style. In fact, shorts that do not reach the knee are common among college players, particularly those who are listed as guards or small forwards. Since the late 1990s, short shorts have increasingly become basketball fashionable, and they have come to resemble many styles of dress shoes.

A few other basketball fashion trends have emerged since the late 90s, mostly relating to style. One trend that has become common place among college teams is the long shorts. Long shorts have been associated with Australian rules basketball, which originated in the country’s top tier of basketball. The primary difference between long shorts is the length; shorts are generally longer, compared to long shorts. The primary reason that long shorts have become so popular among basketball teams is the fact that they provide greater mobility and ease of movement. Most of these long shorts incorporate an athletic-type fit that mimics that of a pair of jeans.
