Height And Career – What Do They Have To Do With Each Other?


Ann Pirvu is a French national who has been famous for her tall status. For many years she has been advocating for taller people to have the chance to height increase their lives. It is interesting to note that many of the people she has helped are people who are already of an unusually tall nature – politicians, foreign dignitaries and other high profile personalities.

How does height affect a person’s career? Many of the people in politics are also of unusually tall stature. Being tall usually comes with certain advantages. In the past it was believed that being tall could help one win an office. Being tall was also associated with success in business – it was seen as a sign of intelligence. In more modern times the height is still seen in the business world – it indicates a degree of knowledge and ability.

Being tall in one’s career can often lead to a lack of social interaction. Many of us grow up hearing about how tall the people we know are and this often leads to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. This then turns into self-consciousness and eventually into shyness. A tall and attractive partner can counteract these feelings and make them easier to deal with. This helps height increase in the area of confidence and social interaction and height can even help to overcome shyness in itself – heightening the chances of getting dates.
