Ingrid Starnes Tells About Her Height Problem and Her Solution


Ingrid Starnes was a public sex offender when she was convicted of committing multiple sex crimes against children in California. She served seven years in state and federal prisons for her crimes, which included child molestation, statutory rape, conspiracy to commit sex crimes, and forcing a female victim to perform illegal sexual acts. She has always maintained her innocence throughout all those years. But now the public has become convinced of her guilt due to the exposure of her real identity through an in depth expose by ABC News. Although she has always maintained her loyalty to her family and friends, she plans to seek a new profession as a consultant. Her statement that she intends to help those struggling with heights is totally reasonable and we can all understand her desire to help those who are suffering from similar situations.

Height is a very serious problem which affects more than one million people in the United States alone. Many of these people have been ridiculed or made fun because they are “short” or” stout.” If someone wants to be taken seriously in a public or personal life, it is important to own your height and present a professional image.

A new career in the field of counselling and therapy could help anyone overcome their problem regarding their stature and develop a healthy sense of self-worth. Height stigma has greatly affected her relationship with her partner. She says that their relationship has been almost ruined by their mutual dislike of their height difference. It’s a good thing Ingrid Starnes found employment by sharing her expertise with those who are also fighting to overcome their stature problems. The first step towards a successful career is to accept yourself and your flaws. If you do that, you can start improving your life today.
