80’s Urban Fashion Trends


80’s Urban Fashion Trends

The 80’s are back with some of the most popular and funky urban fashion trends of all time. It was a decade where styles were bold, colors were strong, and people knew who they were. Of course, this also led to many fashion victims running for the hills when their favorite fashions were suddenly being put on the back burner. Fortunately, the trend is making a come back, and many fashions have made their way into mainstream fashion stores. For example, if you were to head to a department store like Macy’s or Nordstrom’s, you would find many of the 80’s urban fashion trends in fine clothes and accessories. This includes oversized sweaters and jeans, which tend to be very popular with the younger generation.

Other popular urban styles include the baggy jeans, baggy shirts, and skinny jeans that are so popular with college students and musicians. While this may seem out of place for a fashion trend, it did have a huge impact on the fashions of the era. Many college students would copy these fashions, and they often looked very awkward and were often mock laughed at by other people. Today, these trends have entered the mainstream, making it more acceptable for fashions to take a swing at the edgier styles.

80’s fashion trends are a huge part of the current generation. They are bolder than any previous fashion era and are generally viewed as being rebellious for the times. However, it is important to remember that fashion trends are not always a sign of popularity or Style. If you are wearing an item that is currently trendy, it is important to note that you are in fact wearing a trend, and while it may not look good on everyone, there are a lot of people out there that will love it!
