70s Disco Fashion Trends


70s Disco Fashion Trends

Fashion in the 70s was quite the radical extension of the previous 60s. Just like pearls in the previous years, hippie clothing from the 1970s took reference from past eras. Because of its timeless yet trendy styles and fashions, the 70s has been one of the especially looked forward decades. Although influenced by the past, fashion trends and fashions of the 70s have truly come into their own. Here are a few of them:

The 1970s brought about many fashion trends that still hold true today. Popular for its bright colors and outrageous designs, it marked the beginning of rock and roll. Though it was notorious for its fashion statements, it also brought about many fashion accessories that have become collectibles today. Rock and roll and jazz inspired fashions and were commonly seen at many concerts and other events of that time. In addition, due to the “free spirit” attitude associated with this era, there was a rise in marijuana use and casual drug use.

The “hippie” movement, on the other hand, was characterized by political awareness, solidarity, and an overall peace and social status. The “hippie” was often seen wearing colorful, loose fitting clothing and generally, a laid-back appearance. Unlike the rock and roll era, which were characterized by an abrasive and loud demeanor, hippie fashions were always relaxed, calm, and laid back. Other popular styles of the 70s fashion for the hippie culture included flower-power, flag-planting, and peace signs.
