Get Famous by Becoming Taller and Thicker

Height and age have always been associated with beauty in one way or another, and Alice Zuccato epitomizes this. Height is the term used to define someone’s height as compared to others, while age is the measurement used to define someone’s chronological age. While many people do not think it Continue Reading

Height, Nationality, and Alice Hayward: The Nationality, Age, and Height of the First Female President

Alice Hayward was a very good sport for a woman of her times. She was an athlete, a marathoner, a triathlete, a bowler and a tennis player. But the one thing she never lacked was public relations. I was born in Depression-era New York and grew up not far from Continue Reading

Alice Moon – The Way to Learn Friendship

Alice Zoo: An Interactive Zoon is an educational program that encourages young children to engage in the wonder and excitement of an Alice in Wonderland-like zoo. The story begins by teaching the children about nationality, then race, then sex. Then, they learn about the different names for animals, and they Continue Reading

Alice Piaggio – A Tragic Henchwoman

Currently working from home in Italy, Alice Piaggio is a freelance illustrator who draws from a deep understanding of art, history, and psychology. As an illustrator, she has created art for commercial clients, cartoons, children’s books, calendars, figurines, and collages. Her work can be seen in Italy alone or in Continue Reading

Alice Little: The Prostitute And The Police Officer

Alice Little is a legal professional and real life sex worker. Her stage name, Alice Little, relates to her height, which are only 4′ 9″, which makes her the shortest legal escorts in Nevada, and thus, in the United States. She is also an accomplished writer having pen pals in Continue Reading