2021 Fashion Color Trends – Tangerine and Pink


The 21st century fashion world is going green and there are many 21st century fashion trends related to green clothing. People are starting to wear recycled materials and using natural dyes more often. Another fashion trend that is starting to take off is the new fashion color Tangerine. Tangerine is a naturally colored orange citrus fruit that originally grew in California. Tangerine has come a long way since its inception in the 1970’s when the orange color was introduced by accident.

Tangerine has gone through several fashion trends and is making a comeback this year. Green and orange have been a popular combination for many years but now the trend has moved on to the vibrant hot pink color. People like to wear bold and striking colors today, and the combination of green and pink are just what you need. This combination is more popular than ever. Tangerine combined with Pink is one of the hottest and most talked about colors of the season. Pink, green and orange in the same color family is a big time in the fashion world.

Tangerine and Pink together have the power to create the color trend of the moment. Tangerine will dominate the color charts this year with great power. The popularity of both colors is expected to continue to grow. Tangerine gives you that fresh and breezy fresh look, while pink gives you that innocent but dreamy appearance. It is safe to say that these two colors will be major players in the 21st Century fashion world. The combination of these three colors will set trends in 2021.
