1980’s Urban Fashion Trends


1980’s Urban Fashion Trends

The 1980’s urban fashion trends were the talk of the town in New York. Everyone wanted to copy the styles of the popular celebrities of the time. Everything from denim and leather to sweat pants and hair bands were in all the fashion magazines and on all the fashion runway shows. People would wear these same trends for days on end, at work and at home.

Urban fashion trends in clothing and fashion accessories took a big hit with the end of the recession in the late eighties. Businesses had to cut costs and prices were cut. This caused many people to give up their expensive clothes. The same thing happened to the fashion market. Most people were no longer interested in buying expensive items that they could only wear a short time due to the price.

Popular clothing of that era was also worn by a lot of the musicians of that time. The end of their wildly popular careers cut all ties between them and their famous clothing and accessories. All that remained was their signature bands and colorful t-shirts. Today these popular fashion items are often sold as authentic collector’s items. Though some fashions of the time are clearly considered “retro,” there are others that can be classified as “retro.”
