100 Percent Wool Socks Made by American Stock Exchange


For the fashion conscious man or woman, 100 percent wool socks are one of those must haves on their wish list. While socks come in all shapes and sizes, men often times look for something a little more specific than just normal socks when shopping for new clothing items. After all, even the best wool socks for the money can be relatively cheap compared to buying high end clothing items, especially when the clothes being bought are being worn for work-related events. In this article we will take a quick look at a few different styles of men’s socks to help you determine if 100 percent wool socks are right for you.

The first style of 100-percent wool socks to look at is the borat sock. These socks are similar to the typical sports socks, they fit very loosely around the toes and have a very unique look about them due to the different woven nature of the socks. The unique weave is created using an extremely fine strand of wool and is woven together by coiling it into a tight coil and then breaking the coil to allow the weft to be finer as well. This results in socks that are very light and comfortable but also durable and able to withstand the wear and tear of a day on the job.

Another great option for the man who wants to stand out from the crowd is a cuff bracelet. These are similar to the typical sports bracelets which are available everywhere, but they are produced in a very unique way. Rather than the metal links resembling actual buttons, the bracelet has an electronic clasp that is operated by simply pulling on the two pronged end. Because of the way the bracelet is designed, it can be worn as a single unit or can be separated into three separate links which all have their own electronic clasps. While these types of 100-percent wool socks made by American Stock Exchange may not be the ones your grandfather wore, they can certainly add a fun, unique flair to any ensemble and look great every time!
